So this weekend has been---epic---to take a cycling word!
First, it started with a spaghetti dinner, sparkles, george
and a trail race. That's about as good as things get! Then, brunch with TyTy, and shopping at West Stride. Early to bed, back out and on the bike up north with Laura and Friends, and now home, and very very tired!
First, the trail race--
So, we got up early, ate some bagels, listened to some music, and drove down to Serenbe, which is a beautiful development south of Atlanta. Here's the crew that came from my house! George, me, and then Sparkles (who is rocking the visor from her first half!--love it!)
My sweet husband and me before his first running race in 2.5 years. His words to me were, "I either need to break an hour or win to be happy at this race." No pressure. None.

And the wonderful and incredible Sparkles, who is up from Athens to run her first trail race. An ambitious undertaking.
At the start, they asked people to raise their hands if they have run this race all three years they have had it. I raised my hand and cheered. Then some guys lined up a the start who heard me asked me some questions about the course, and I said I had no idea, and I couldn't remember anything......oh, and I told George and Sparkles it wasn't very hilly.
So, lets get something straight. I don't remember THAT much about races, or locations, or well, anything geographical is general.
Moral of the story, it was a tough, hilly course! In 2008, I ran with my awesome friend Katie in 1:50. In 2009, I ran with my snappy up the hills friend Cate in 1:33. So, in 2010, I had to improve a ton again, right? No pressure. None
And, we're off. Tough and Hilly it was, and I had clearly forgotten...
At the front of the race, George (who I am clearly a bad influence on), took the lead group off course, and spent a couple of minutes trying to find the course. To his credit, it was not well marked there. When he realized he wasn't going to make it under 1 hour, he realized he had to win. I wish I could do that! 1:01:50 including a detour.

I put way way more into the race than I was really all that trained for, and finished in 1:19:45! 8:33 pace on trails! Yes!!
My friend Chris that I work with came in right behind me at around 1:20. We decided we had to make it an "epic battle" story to tell the kids monday. Here is the battle in pictures.

And that, kids, is exactly how it happened.Ok, maybe I just saw Chris before the race, one time on the trail, and after the race, but that TOTALLY makes a better story!!!
Sparkles came in, and I got to cheer for her!!! Yippie!!! First trail race, and I am SO impressed with her, considering she started running in the spring! I don't really know her time, but it was for SURE way faster than my first time out there!

My coach, and his wife Nancy came out and raced too, and it was awesome to have them out there and to cheer them off at the finish!

Isn't george's medal in that picture great? It was made by a local blacksmith!
He also won a $50 gift certificate to phidipides, which he handed to me and told me to get some new running shoes before the build to the 50K!!!
AND, we won a great duffel bag, which he is using for his new swim gear!
AND, we won one of these, which he also handed to me to train with on the trails. YES! I love it when george wins, and I am also INSANELY proud of him, which is a great feeling as his wife!!
Here we are in our great shirts together after some flying biscuit breakfast.
The rest of the weekend update will have to wait. Apparently, I have to go buy food now with george!