George and I headed out to Rainbow City, Alabama to ride the Foothills Spring Classic Century. It was the first year they have had it. It was a very small group, but the roads were just perfect, and the support was right on! I had my BEST ride of the training season! It was about 95 miles, and it was hot, hilly, and windy. There was one legit climb about 75 miles in up Chandler Mountain. Because I was alone for most of it (which was fine since the roads were great and I was out in the middle of nowhere--my favorite!), I got an escort descending the mountain by a police car. That meant that I didn't have to worry about any cars passing me and I could just bomb down the mountain. Awesome. I said to the cop, "I felt like a pro." and he said, "You look like a pro." Now, lets be honest. I look NOTHING like a pro. But I felt really good hearing that white lie :-) George finished the century WAY ahead of everyone else, of course. But the day was a truly wonderful lift for me. I felt like I could just keep on going at 95. That is exactly where I need to be right now!

Right the taper! I, and most endurance athletes have a love hate relationship with the taper. But I will write more about that later. Right now, I have to get my bike turned in for Tribike Transport. The great people at All3 Sports are going to be awesome and help me get everything tuned up today. But last night, we did a big wheel swap so that I could ride in the race on our Oval wheels. This is what our living room looked like. Crazy!

And I got my Team Trakkers kit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That means I will be sporting this puppy in St. George. Right after binging on Easter Bunny Cake with my family, I did a crazy modeling session in our parking lot. Not my smartest move!
I love love love this kit!!!
This is as normal as I can be. No comments needed about how much I really don't look like a pro either!

Here's the back! Isn't this the coolest kit ever!?!?!?!?

George like the one of me looking simultaneously goofy and tough!

This is me pretending I am crossing the finish line in St. George!!!!!!!!!

And then I considered being a ballerina instead!

I promise I will limit myself modeling in the future. Clearly I am not made out for it, but I am really really excited to sport this kit in 12 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!