Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Race Across the Sky

RaceAcrossTheSkyLeadvilleTrail100 movie

So, last night, George and I went to go see race across the sky (the encore).

Last, year, it was JAMMED at the theater, and this year, it was much much smaller.

Last year, when I left, all I could think was, "I gotta get a mountain bike."

This year, when I left, I though, "that's really cool for those people. It's like their Ironman."

Now George thinks it is because I have changed, and not really the movie--which is amazing when you think about it. Last year, the idea of a challenge like this was almost beyond me, and this year, I could relate, or at least in my own kind of way.

Of course, last year, I ate candy in this theater, and this year I had a protein shake too :-)


So, this weekend I had a truly killer run at Kennesaw Mountain with my friend Laura.
I picked her up, and she intentionally locked herself out. On the way down the road, she realized that her "gluten free butterscotch chocolate chip bars" were still in the oven, and no one was home. Clearly, as I was watching her try to break into her house, I knew we were destined to be friends. By the way, her mom saved them, and I had one as a "recovery bar" after the run.

So, Laura's garmin said my 17 mile route was really 16 miles. Stupid satellites. Oh well, we had a blast and got a good, hard, hilly run in!

I rode in the cold on sunday, and by sunday night, my quads hurt to the touch!!!! Feeling better now though!

The Serenbe 15k and 5k Trail Race

This weekend is one of my favorite races of the year! I love love love it! Should be a great day racing with George and Sparkles. I am hoping my legs feel good and recovered enough to have a little speed in the on Saturday. Would like to improve my previous times, of course. Afterwards, the three of us are meeting Ty Ty for......flying biscuit and west stride. It's going to be a GREAT Saturday!


I have an exciting interview for a team coming up, and I am really seriously crossing my fingers. I think I would fit right in, but I guess, I'll see what they think! If it turns out well, I promise I will tell more about it.


I am right on track with nutrition. My 50K is four weeks from Sunday, which is seriously terrifying......

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